Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

[E999.Ebook] Ebook Download Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor

Ebook Download Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor

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Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor

Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor

Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor

Ebook Download Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor

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Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor

Colour has the capacity to convey meaning in a range of contexts through connotative colour associations. However, colour symbolism is not fixed and inflexible, and tends to occur on three levels: Individual, cultural and universal.

This eBook provides a comprehensive exploration of the three levels of colour symbolism and explains why colour symbolism rarely occurs on a universal basis. Recent research as well as early colour-meaning studies are discussed and over 50 illustrations are provided throughout this eBook.

Colour and contrast plays key roles in visual perception and, as a result, colour is often used like a visual code; however, there are times when colour symbolism can be ambiguous and this is because colour symbolism is influenced by individual and cultural differences as well as contextual, perceptual and temporal factors. These are explained in-depth in this concise and highly practical resource.

  • Sales Rank: #971942 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-05-24
  • Released on: 2015-05-24
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Fantastic read!!
By Anna
What an interesting and thought provoking read. I was completely fascinated and full immersed in this fantastic book from the moment I started reading. I never knew how complex the subject of color could be. There are so many facets to the topic and the author does an amazing job of really explaining them all. Zena O'Connor is obviously an intellectual and quite an expert on the subject. Even though the subject matter is quite complex, she writes in a way that not only makes the material interesting to read, but is also easy to understand. You won't find a better book or analysis anywhere. If you are looking for a deep dive into the history and world of color... and you like thought provoking books. Then I highly recommend that you check this one out. 5 big stars!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
The meaning of colors
By Brianna
My spare time is sometimes dedicated to painting, as I enjoy the activity and it relaxes me like nothing else. This is what triggered my curiosity to read this book, and what I found within it goes way beyond colors and their meaning when it comes to photography and paintings. A very comprehensive and well researched study of colors and the message that they convey, a book that can be useful in business related activities such as branding or advertising, but as well for people passionate about photography, painting or even fashion. A true color and symbolism guide.

See all 2 customer reviews...

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Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor PDF

Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor PDF

Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor PDF
Colour Symbolism: Individual, Cultural and Universal, by Zena O'Connor PDF

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