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[O386.Ebook] Download Ebook Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson

Download Ebook Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson

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Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson

Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson

Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson

Download Ebook Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson

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Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson

Learn C++ the fun and easy way!

Three good reasons to learn C++: It’s available for DOS, Windows, OS/2, Mac OS, and nearly every other operating system out there, making it one of the most portable languages around. C++ is very powerful. It’s used to create products such as Excel and Access, and it’s used in MIS departments and consultants to create mission critical applications for business and government. And, it’s one of the most popular languages in the world. But, before you master C++, you need to get a handle on Visual C++, a set of powerful development tools for writing C++ programs.

Visual C++ 6 For Dummies is your complete guide to the Visual C++ environment and C++ programming. It gets you up and running with the code, confidence and cunning you need to start programming powerful utilities, cool games, or multimedia masterpieces.

In no time you’ll:

•�Master the Visual C++ development environment, libraries, wizards, editors, compilers, and debugger
•�Develop reliable code using object-oriented programming
•�Unravel the mysteries of variables, statements, and pointers
•�Add class and inheritance to your programs
•�Use streams and exception handling
•�Manage complex projects using the visual project show
•�Debug programs and correct syntax errors

Visual C++ 6 For Dummies covers all the bases of with clear, accessible instructions, sample programs and lots of source code. Ideal for complete newcomers to C++ and experienced C++ programmers alike, it’s divided in three sections:

•�A quick-guide to Visual C++—covers the main features of the programming environment, tools, and utilities
•�A practical overview of C++ programming fundamentals—walks you through the development of several C++ programs
•�A practical introduction to object-oriented programming—a great primer for beginners and experienced C++ programmers
And as if all that weren’t enough, you also get online access to download all of the code files from the book.

Visual C++ 6 For Dummies gives you everything you need to master Visual C++ and harness the power and portability of C++ today!

  • Sales Rank: #3233229 in Books
  • Published on: 1998-09-04
  • Released on: 1998-08-21
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.22" h x 1.17" w x 7.46" l, 1.70 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 480 pages

From the Inside Flap
The Visual C++ 6 For Dummies Cheat Sheet includes a quick reference on the Debug Toolbar, the Build MiniBar, Visual C++ Keyboard Shortcuts, Regular Expression-Matching Commands, the WizardBar, Using AppWizard, and Creating a New Project

From the Back Cover
Free Visual C++ "Cheat Sheet" Inside!

Develop Powerful Visual C++ Programs Today! Get the code, confidence, and cunning you need to start programming in Visual C++ right away. Completely updated for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0, Visual C++�6 For Dummies� covers everything you need to know to develop powerful utilities, cool games, or multimedia masterpieces — including object-oriented programming, editing, compiling, and debugging. Jump-Start Your Programs — All the Code from the Book on CD-ROM!

  • Trial versions of Ultimate Toolbox, and Wise Installation System
  • A 15-day trial version of InstallShield Express
  • A demo version of Objective Tool Kit
Shareware programs are fully functional, free trial versions of copyrighted programs. If you like particular programs, register with their authors for a nominal fee and receive licenses, enhanced versions, and technical support. Freeware programs are free, copyrighted games, applications, and utilities. You can copy them to as many PCs as you like — free — but they have no technical support. System Requirements: A Pentium 90 MHz PC or better; 24MB RAM (32MB recommended); Microsoft Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0 or later; Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0.1 (included with Visual C++ 6); CD-ROM drive (2x or faster); and Visual C++ 6

Inside, find helpful advice on how to:

  • Get the basics under your belt with a quick crash course on Visual C++'s development environment, libraries, wizards, editors, compilers, and debugger
  • Develop reliable, reusable code using object-oriented programming
  • Unravel the mysteries of variables, statements, and pointers
  • Add class and inheritance to your programs
  • Use streams and exception handling
  • Manage complex projects using the visual project window
  • Debug programs and correct syntax errors

About the Author
About the Authors Michael Hyman, a multimedia technology professional, is a coauthor of Borland? C++ 5 For Dummies?, 2nd Edition, and the author of Visual J++?(TM) For Dummies? and Dynamic HTML For Dummies?. He is also a contributing editor for Windows Tech Journal and Microsoft Interactive Developer.

Bob Arnson is Technical Marketing Manager at the NuMega Lab of Compuware Corporation. Former Senior Editor for PennWell Publishing's VC++ Professional, Borland C++ Professional, and VB Tech Journal, he has written or coauthored several computer books, including Borland? C++ 5 For Dummies?, 2nd Edition.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great content for object oriented programming, faults in the printing process.
By Amazon Customer
The content of the book is great, even though Visual C++ 6 is old, the explanations about object oriented programming are so clear I had to search for this book explicitly now that I have to teach it. However the printing has a considerable fault: when the background is gray the definition is terrible, sometimes it is even difficult to read and it definitely looks bad, and those are suposed to be highlighted topics! Guys of the "on demand printing" you definitely need to work on this.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Good, but not great.....
By Jonathan Fowler
This book is pretty good on C++ syntax, but doesn't do much on actually getting into the MFC and Windows programming side of things. I would highly recommend Sam's Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6.0 for learning the basics of MFC programming.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Well, at least they've got a sense of humor
By Ron .F (forteny@pipeline.com)
Major problem with this book: The first 9 chapters start off very promising, as the writers very painlessly walk you through the Visual C++ program, really setting you up nicely to do some cool Windows programming. (That IS why we use Visual C++, isn't it: ...to create Windows programs?) As you read through the first few chapters, you start to think "Wow, this is going to be great: I've got these Wizards to build these buttons and toolbars and stuff for me, and now I'm going to learn how to fill in the code and use pointers and objects and stuff to make my very own Windows Apps! This will Rock!!! Microsoft will want to hire me tomorrow!!!" And just when you're ready to start learning some programming for Windows in Part II of the book, the authors say "ehhh-EEEEEEEEHHH!!! We ain't gonna be doin' no Windows Programmin', boy: That'd be beyond the scope o' this li'l book! We're gonna spend the rest of our days here learnin' ya' how to program C++ in a Win32 console (Read: Glorified DOS shell)!!!"
Um, excuse me, but if I wanted to learn about objects and scope and pointers and all that fun C++ stuff, wouldn't I just be reading "C++ for Dummies"??? What's the point of showing us how to create a Windows app using Visual C++ if we're just going to spend the rest of the book writing a completely impractical DOS jukebox program, for which, incidentally, they never do provide all of the necessary multimedia files on the CD?
Once you're over that major fault, however, the book does do a rather decent job of explaining the nuts and bolts of pure C++ programming in a simple fashion, with clever little humorous anecdotes and quips to keep it interesting.
Although I'd easily trade in some of the humor for a little actual Windows programming.
BTW, I'm sure the authors are not hillbilies: I just did that for effect. :-)

See all 24 customer reviews...

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Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson PDF

Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson PDF
Visual C++ 6 For Dummies, by Michael Hyman, Bob Arnson PDF

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