Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

[T674.Ebook] Ebook Download Black No More, by George Schuyler

Ebook Download Black No More, by George Schuyler

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Black No More, by George Schuyler

Black No More, by George Schuyler

Black No More, by George Schuyler

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Black No More, by George Schuyler

What would happen to the race problem in America if black people turned white? Would everybody be happy? These questions and more are answered in George Schuyler's satiric romp. This is the story of Max Disher, a black rogue of an insurance man who, through a scientific transformation process, becomes Mathew Fisher, a white man. Matt dreams up a scam that allows him to become the leader of the White Knights of Nordica, and marry the caucasian gal who rejected him before his change.

  • Sales Rank: #735461 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-11-19
  • Released on: 2015-11-19
  • Format: Kindle eBook Review
This satirical Harlem Renaissance-era novel by black conservative intellectual George S. Schuyler (1895-1977), who wrote for the Pittsburgh Courier and contributed to the NAACP's influential Crisis magazine, is a hilariously insightful treatise on the absurdities of racial identity. Dr. Junius Crookman, a Harlem-based African American physician, mysteriously returns from Germany with a formula that can transform black people into whites. "It looked," Schuyler deadpans, "as though science was to succeed where the Civil War failed." One of the first to enlist Dr. Crookman's services is an insurance salesman named Max Disher, who as the white Matthew Fisher is now free to pursue the white women who once rejected him and otherwise bask in Euro-American social privilege (including a top position in a hate group called the Knights of Nordica). Schuyler unveils the futility of this electro-chemical form of "passing" through the emptiness the Disher/Fisher character encounters in the white cultural world, which doesn't measure up to the Harlem nightlife--revealing the poison behind the notion of wanting to be something you're not. --Eugene Holley Jr.

From Kirkus Reviews
37575380.X99 Schuyler, George BLACK NO MORE First published in 1931, this scathing satire on race embodies all the controversial notions of its author, the grouchy journalist and essayist Schuyler, a kindred spirit of his mentor and fellow misanthrope, H.L. Mencken. Best know for his dissenting essay, The Negro-Art Hokum, Schuyler (1895-1977) mocked most of the more prominent representatives of the Harlem Renaissance, and asks in this rollicking bit of speculative fiction: What if black people could change themselves to white? Inspired by popular products for skin-lightening, Schuyler imagines the discovery of a process that transforms Negroes into white people, and then watches all hell break loose. When Dr. Junius Crookman promises a three-day makeover, Max Disher, a dapper insurance agent with a taste for yallah gals, thinks of one thingall the ofay girls he can now pursue, especially a snobby cracker who snubbed him in a Harlem night club. For fifty bucks, Max is one of Crookmans first patients and emerges from his Frankenstein-like office with his new pork-colored skin. But Maxs glorious new adventure turns ugly right away: his old friends reject him; his landlady accuses him of no race pride, and worsehe finds white people less courteous and less interesting. The country too grows increasingly hysterical: the South calls for congressional action, and the infrastructure of Negro philanthropy begins to crumble. Scuyler smartly postulates the response of official black leadership, and saves his most damning portraits for characters who represent Garvey, DuBois, and Booker T., all of whom ultimately give in to the new process. Maxs dilemma is simpler: he tries to figure out a way to capitalize off his new identity, and soon becomes the right hand man to the Rev. Givens, the grand poobah of the Knights of Nordica, and eventually marries his daughter, the very same girl from that night in Harlem. One problem remains, the whitening process doesnt pass to babies, so Max lives with the fear that his offspring will be his undoing. Not to worry, though, for events overwhelm all in this increasingly outrageous novel. As the hypocrisies mount, and the number of Negroes diminish, calls for racial purity increase. But the frantic researches into genealogy have an unintended resultand one that Schuyler himself constantly arguedthat most white people have dusky ancestors, or as the Rev. Givens so aptly puts it, I guess were all niggers now. Schuylers miscegenetic ideas on race fuel this well-written look at chromatic democracy, a novel that prefigures both Ray Bradbury and Ralph Ellison. This wild book is much more than an historical curiosity, and its resurrection is a revelation. -- Copyright �1999, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

"One of the great new veins of Negro fiction has been opened by this book--may its tribe increase."--Alain Locke

Most helpful customer reviews

38 of 40 people found the following review helpful.
Life is a Con
By Nicholas Stix
George Schuyler's (1895-1977) novel, Black No More, is a deliciously wicked satire on 1920s American racial mores. First published in 1931, it was initially reissued during the late 1980s as part of The Northeastern Library of Black Literature.
Like many satires, Black No More takes a common, controversial idea, gives it form in flesh and blood, and plays it out to its logical conclusion: "What if white America didn't have any more negroes to kick around?"
This idea is realized by "Dr. Junius Crookman" (most of the characters have similarly "subtle" names), who invents an operation for turning black folks white. In lightning speed, the nation becomes monochromatic, as its entire black population "disappears."
No lack of comic -- and dramatic -- complications ensue, when it becomes clear that the operation doesn't change the genetic program for the pigmentation of one's offspring.
George Schuyler worked from a few basic premises: Most of humanity is a damned sight closer to the Devil than to the angels; most men are con artists; and the few who truly believe in anything are even worse!
For Schuyler, W.E.B. DuBois' (1868-1963) "talented tenth" of bourgeois negro society was of no more help to the average black than were the leaders of the racist, white order. Indeed, Schuyler saw those who made a living railing against Jim Crow as having the strongest interest in its preservation: every lynching brought in more money from rich, white reformers.
Thinly veiled caricatures portray DuBois ("Dr. Shakespeare Agamemnon Beard") as a hypocrite, and Marcus Garvey (1887-1940; "Santop Licorice"), the founder of the "Back-to-Africa" movement, as a common swindler (for which Garvey was, in fact, convicted in 1920, and deported in 1924).
For Schuyler, black nationalist rhetoric was merely a smokescreen to obscure its practitioners' class contempt for their erstwhile constituents, whose pockets they were busy picking. (Has anything changed in the meantime?!)
Down deep, Schuyler says, we're all the same -- and God save us! Ultimately, he surmises, if there weren't a color line, men would have had to invent one! His metaphor for American race relations was that of an "insane asylum." (Already during the 1920s -- 60 years before Dinesh D'Souza -- Schuyler had written a pamphlet arguing that total miscegenation, eliminating all distinct races, was the sole cure for America's racial madness.)
Though many of Schuyler's characters are -- as per his genre -- stereotypes, the central pair of "Max Discher/Matthew Fisher" and "Bunny Brown" are as engaging a couple of rogues as any you're likely to be fleeced by, this side of Rudyard Kipling or Chester Himes, their banter generously peppered with the black vernacular of the day.
George Schuyler was a great lover of science fiction, especially the then stupendously popular novels of H.G. Wells. He is the only notable black American novelist to smoothly incorporate science fiction motifs into his work. (To Samuel R. Delany fans: I said "notable" and "smoothly.")
In addition to Schuyler's great story, there are two other reasons for reading Black No More.
First, as by far the most influential black newspaperman this nation has ever seen, George Schuyler bestrode the negro press, and thus, negro America, like a colossus.
From 1924-1966, Schuyler worked at black America's most influential newspaper, the Pittsburgh Courier. But George Schuyler didn't "write" for the Courier; he WAS the Courier. He wrote the weekly, unsigned house editorial; a weekly column, News and Views; wired in scoops and exposes from around America and the world so amazing as to catch the attention of the day's most respected, white newspapers, who also published his work; penned the pseudonymous, serialized pulp novels and short stories that were the Courier's most popular features; and engaged other prominent contemporaries to write for the Courier. It was Schuyler, for instance, who engaged pop historian J.A. Rogers to write the Courier's immensely popular feature on black history. The various strategies of silence and misrepresentation, which are today used (for instance, by alleged journalist Jill Nelson and by Henry Louis Gates Jr.) to erase or diminish Schuyler's legacy, belong to contemporary black studies and black journalism's many scandals.
The second reason for reading Black No More (together with the serialized novels published in book form as Black Empire) is for Schuyler's role as unwitting intellectual godfather of the Nation of Islam. The Nation stole its theory of the "myth of Yacub," which claims that the white man was created 6,000 years ago by an evil black scientist, from Schuyler's Black No More, except that the Nation, as was its wont, turned Schuyler's story on its head. (Schuyler, for his part, was reworking H.G. Wells' story, The Island of Dr. Moreau.)
So read Black No More, enjoy some belly laughs, and learn some history in the bargain.
Black No More has an overly informative foreword by James A. Miller, which is best read as an afterword (so as not to ruin your enjoyment of the book), to clarify historical questions.
Originally published in 1992 in A Different Drummer magazine.

16 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful and thought provoking
By R. Allen
In my search for quality books written by black writers, I stumbled upon BLACK NO MORE and I am so glad that I did. This is a relatively small book, but probably one of the most thought provoking books that I've ever read. It forces you to look at the power of racisim in all of its incarnations, whether it is being imposed on black people from white people or if it is imposed on blacks from their own people. I think that George Schuyler is one of the most unsung heroes of African American literature and all people (especially Black people) should find the time to read his work. I'm currently purchasing anything I can find that he has written.

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Will the Real Black Man Please Stand Up
By Dash Manchette
Although largely forgotten today, George Schuyler was probably the foremost black journalist of the early 20th Century. No doubt much of his modern-day intellectual exile is due to Schuyler's politics. While the rest of black America lurched left, Schuyler published his autobiography, BLACK AND CONSERVATIVE, the title of which says it all. Combine that with Schuyler's noted attack on Malcolm X and, more infamously, his scathing criticism of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Schuyler's alienation became complete. Too bad for the rest of us, as his writing is often quite delicious.

Schuyler occasionally ventured into fiction and BLACK NO MORE is probably the best known of such works. Although the book is often described as science fiction, that label is a tad misleading. It is an extremely entertaining social critique of the American obsession with race and skin color and is packed with the same race hustlers, con artists, demagogues and hypocrites we still see today. I guess the more things change, the more they really do stay the same.

Dr. Junius Crookman (great name, huh?) develops the technology to turn black people white. The first to sign on, Max Disher, uses his new found whiteness to woo the white ladies who would have nothing to do with him before and, hilariously, climb the ladder of a white supremacist hate group. He does not do this out of any desire to pull a fast one on The Man, but rather sees it as the fast track to making a quick buck.

White supremacists are not Schuyler's only target, however. The black advancement organization, clearly modeled on the NAACP, is deeply alarmed - deeply - that soon there will be no more oppressed negroes whose woes will fill the group's coffers and allow its leadership to dine on foie gras. This group's leader is also lampooned appropriately. Apparently W.E.B. Du Bois was the warm-up act for the aforementioned critiques of Malcolm X and MLK, Jr.

Not allowing a good book to end on a sour note, Schuyler brings things full circle at the end, when it is discovered that blacks who have undergone the treatment are a shade whiter than natural born whites! And so the cycle continues. BLACK NO MORE is a treat from an unfortunately largely overlooked figure. Check it out.

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Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

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Unaddressed Letters, by Frank Athelstane Swettenham

Leopold Classic Library is delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive collection. As part of our on-going commitment to delivering value to the reader, we have also provided you with a link to a website, where you may download a digital version of this work for free. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. Whilst the books in this collection have not been hand curated, an aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature. As a result of this book being first published many decades ago, it may have occasional imperfections. These imperfections may include poor picture quality, blurred or missing text. While some of these imperfections may have appeared in the original work, others may have resulted from the scanning process that has been applied. However, our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserves to be brought back into print after many decades. While some publishers have applied optical character recognition (OCR), this approach has its own drawbacks, which include formatting errors, misspelt words, or the presence of inappropriate characters. Our philosophy has been guided by a desire to provide the reader with an experience that is as close as possible to ownership of the original work. We hope that you will enjoy this wonderful classic book, and that the occasional imperfection that it might contain will not detract from the experience.

  • Published on: 2015-04-08
  • Released on: 2015-04-08
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .51" w x 6.00" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 226 pages

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Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014

[J625.Ebook] PDF Ebook Real-World Data Mining: Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making (FT Press Analytics), by Dursun Delen

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Real-World Data Mining: Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making (FT Press Analytics), by Dursun Delen

Use the latest data mining best practices to enable timely, actionable, evidence-based decision making throughout your organization! Real-World Data Mining demystifies current best practices, showing how to use data mining to uncover hidden patterns and correlations, and leverage these to improve all aspects of business performance.

Drawing on extensive experience as a researcher, practitioner, and instructor, Dr. Dursun Delen delivers an optimal balance of concepts, techniques and applications. Without compromising either simplicity or clarity, he provides enough technical depth to help readers truly understand how data mining technologies work. Coverage includes: processes, methods, techniques, tools, and metrics; the role and management of data; text and web mining; sentiment analysis; and Big Data integration. Throughout, Delen's conceptual coverage is complemented with application case studies (examples of both successes and failures), as well as simple, hands-on tutorials.

Real-World Data Mining will be valuable to professionals on analytics teams; professionals seeking certification in the field; and undergraduate or graduate students in any analytics program: concentrations, certificate-based, or degree-based.

  • Sales Rank: #462643 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-01-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.20" w x 6.40" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 288 pages

From the Back Cover
Use New Data Mining Best Practices to Promote Timely, Actionable, Evidence-Based Decision Making

  • A complete data mining framework: processes, methods, techniques, evaluation, tools, and more
  • Up-to-date primers on text/web mining, sentiment analysis, and Big Data
  • Demystifies complex concepts with easy tutorials and modern case studies
  • For managers, analytics team members, certification candidates, and students
To make the best possible decisions, you need insights you can only uncover through data mining and business analytics. Now, renowned expert Dr. Dursun Delen explains everything you need to capture and leverage these insights, whether you’re part of an analytical team or you consume its outputs.
Drawing on decades at the forefront of research and instruction in the field, Delen illuminates its core principles, best practices, and key applications in areas from marketing and finance to defense. He clarifies its dense jargon, shows how its technologies fit together, identifies obstacles to success, and helps you overcome them.

His plain-English, step-by-step explanations demystify everything from workflows to algorithms. Best of all, he shares indispensable practical guidance for maximizing your effectiveness, every step of the way.

As business becomes increasingly complex, decision-makers must act more rapidly and accurately based on the best available evidence. Modern data mining and analytics are indispensable for doing this. Real-World Data Mining introduces current best practices in these fields, showing how to uncover hidden patterns and correlations and systematically use your findings to improve decision making.

You’ll find broad and up-to-date coverage of data mining processes, methods, and techniques; effective data management techniques; tools and metrics; text and web mining; Big Data integration; and much more.

Dr. Dursun Delen delivers an optimal balance of concepts, hands-on tutorials, and real-world application case studies--helping you learn from both successes and failures. Without compromising either simplicity or clarity, he provides enough technical depth to help you understand how data mining really works--and how to put it to work for you.

Analytics: A practical, useful taxonomy
Data mining: Converting data to information to knowledge
Applications: From marketing to finance, healthcare to defense
Processes and standards: KDD, CRISP-DM,SEMMA, and Six Sigma DMAIC
Data and methods: Handling structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data
Algorithms and statistics: Nearest neighbor, neural networks, SVMs
Text analytics/mining: Sentiment analysis, natural language processing
Big data: Volume, variety, velocity, veracity, variability, and value

About the Author
Dr. Dursun Delen is an internationally known expert in business analytics and data mining. He is often invited to national and international conferences to deliver keynote presentations on topics related to data/text mining, business intelligence, decision support systems, business analytics, and knowledge management. Prior to his appointment as professor at Oklahoma State University in 2001, Dr. Delen worked for industry for more than 10 years, developing and delivering business analytics solutions to companies. Most recently he worked for a privately owned research and consulting company, Knowledge Based Systems, Inc., in College Station, Texas, as a research scientist. During his five years there, he led a number of projects related to decision support, information systems, and advanced analytics that were funded by federal agencies, including the DoD, NASA, NIST, and the DOE. Today, in addition to his academic endeavors, Dr. Delen provides consulting services to businesses in assessing their information systems needs and developing state-of-the-art business analytics capabilities.

Dr. Delen holds William S. Spears and Neal Patterson Endowed Chairs in Business Analytics, and he is Director of Research for the Center for Health Systems Innovation and Professor of Management Science and Information Systems in the Spears School of Business at Oklahoma State University. His research has appeared in major journals, including Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, Communications of the ACM, Computers and Operations Research, Computers in Industry, Journal of Production Operations Management, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, and Expert Systems with Applications, among others. He has recently published six books: Advanced Data Mining Techniques (Springer, 2008), Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (Prentice Hall, 2010), Business Intelligence: A Managerial Approach (Prentice Hall, 2010), Practical Text Mining and Statistical Analysis for Non-structured Text Data Applications (Elsevier, 2012), Business Intelligence: A Managerial Perspective on Analytics, 3rd edition (Prentice Hall, 2013), and Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support, 10th edition (Prentice Hall, 2014). He served as the general co-chair for the fourth International Conference on Network Computing and Advanced Information Management, and he regularly chairs tracks and mini-tracks at various information systems conferences. He also serves as associate editor-in-chief, senior editor, associate editor, and editorial board member on a dozen academic and technical journals.

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Real-World Data Mining: Applied Business Analytics and Decision Making (FT Press Analytics), by Dursun Delen PDF

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The Domestic Cat: The Biology of its Behaviour by Unknown [Cambridge Universi...

  • Binding: Paperback

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Sabtu, 23 Agustus 2014

[M704.Ebook] Download Ebook The Ex-Con Factor: You Did Your Time, Now What? Journey from D.O.C. to C.E.O., by Tonia Quarterman

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The Ex-Con Factor: You Did Your Time, Now What? Journey from D.O.C. to C.E.O., by Tonia Quarterman

The Ex-Con Factor: You Did Your Time, Now What? Journey from D.O.C. to C.E.O., by Tonia Quarterman

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The Ex-Con Factor: You Did Your Time, Now What? Journey from D.O.C. to C.E.O., by Tonia Quarterman

The Ex-Con Factor You Did Your Time Now What? Journey from D.O.C. to C.E.O.  Is a common sense map about the transition and mindsets of ex-offenders.  Deals with choices made before and after doing time from juvenile detention, jail, prison, and work release to returning back to society. Details the Authors experiences and observations living a fast paced life which included dealing drugs, generations of domestic violence, her survival story and mindset shifts along the way. Coming to end of sentence and not knowing how to survive and be successful on the other side of the gates bring ex-offenders back through the doors of recidivism with no end in sight. Difficulty finding jobs make it easy if not necessary for ex-offenders to go back to what they know, which is illegal activity. Threatened with probation or parole violations some people don t see any other way out. This book stresses that yes, there s an ex-con factor, but there are no excuses. Re-entry to society without a real plan can prove to be detrimental to someone's freedom. This book proves it is possible to define and or redefine your own success and remain a free, productive and successful member of society. Prison doesn t rehabilitate you. You rehabilitate you. The choices you make can either be constructive or destructive anything else is an excuse. The author understands the judgement and difficulties associated with the stigma of being an ex-felon. However, where there's a will there's a way for jobs, housing, entrepreneurship, marriage, finances, home ownership, education, excellent credit and more...even for an ex-felon. 

  • Sales Rank: #4057339 in Books
  • Brand: Quarterman Tonia
  • Published on: 2016-11-02
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.50" h x .28" w x 5.50" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 120 pages
  • The Ex Con Factor You Did Your Time Now What Journey from D O C to C E O

About the Author
Tonia Quarterman is an Entrepreneur, International Author, Mentor, and Business Consultant. She possesses a wide range of personal and professional experience with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business with concentrations in Accounting and Economics.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
A Testimony to true freedom
By Jonie Alcorn
I do believe that Tonia is the real deal. Reading this book is so eye opening, as being an ex-correctional officer, I can attest to the things she saw, heard and witnessed while incarcerated. I believe Chapter 10 was my favorite, because sometimes we need to know that going backwards, or back to the places, people and things we once knew...can be a huge factor in whether you truly overcome, or whether you truly get sucked back in. Please read this book. It is a must for those who think you will never make it once you've gotten into trouble, or addiction, or whatever it is in life, that once held you captive. She is a living testimony and I'm thankful I got a chance to read her story.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
very proud of and happy for you
By Amazon Customer
Powerful. Speaking from knowing you since middle school, early high school. I read your book twice. The first time it took me too long. Recently read in 2 settings (in your voice : ), spoken clearly, honestly, loudly, straight forward. Very, very proud of and happy for you! Keep up the good work beloved! Looking forward the next one.


0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
The Ex Con Factor is a winner!
By Amazon Customer
I enjoyed The Ex Con Factor. It was very thoughtful and insightful, and will help me in my work. Two thumbs up, highly recommended.

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The Ex-Con Factor: You Did Your Time, Now What? Journey from D.O.C. to C.E.O., by Tonia Quarterman PDF

The Ex-Con Factor: You Did Your Time, Now What? Journey from D.O.C. to C.E.O., by Tonia Quarterman PDF
The Ex-Con Factor: You Did Your Time, Now What? Journey from D.O.C. to C.E.O., by Tonia Quarterman PDF

Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

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Reeva, by June Steenkamp

In the early hours of Valentine's Day 2013, Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, shooting her multiple times while she cowered behind the locked door of their bathroom. His trial has attracted more international media attention and public scrutiny than any since that of OJ Simpson.

What went on behind the scenes though? And what was the real Reeva like, away from the photo shoots and the attention of the media? A beautiful 29 year old from Port Elizabeth, Reeva graduated as a lawyer and campaigned for human rights causes before deciding to try the world of modelling in South Africa's most vibrant city. Her relationship with international hero Oscar Pistorius seemed like a fairy tale of triumph over adversity - double amputee turned champion athlete meets small town girl with beauty and brains wanting to make her mark on the world. No one could have predicted the tragic and horrifying conclusion to that fairy tale.

Reeva's mother, June Steenkamp, has kept a dignified silence throughout the long months since she received the phone call every mother dreads. In this painfully honest and unflinching account of Reeva's life, she talks about what really went on in her mind as she sat in the packed Pretoria court room day after day and how she is coping in the aftermath of the verdict. Reeva is the only true insider's account of this tragic story.

  • Sales Rank: #1957408 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-09-01
  • Released on: 2015-09-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 1.00" w x 6.25" l, .93 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 288 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
A Courageous Mother - a Brilliant, Tender Remembering
By Liz Parr
An amazing story - an amazing mother - an amazing book. For those of us who have survived the horror and pain of domestic violence, only to face a justice system that routinely turns a blind eye to victims, this book is refreshing, tender and honest. Our justice system allows men with greater status, power and money get off with no accountability. This is the pain a domestic violence victim lives with everyday. It is the same pain June Steenkamp details in this account. We all know what a shockingly commonplace crime domestic violence is against women, and yet police, defense lawyers, judges, prosecutors and courts still dismiss and minimize it. Reeva Steenkamp had a beautiful brilliant mind that was lost to a controlling, and explosive man whose raging behavior predicted her horrible end. Oscar Pistorious tried to convince the public to take pity on him for being prosecuted. This book is a testament that the horrible reality for domestic victims - that our voices so frequently drowned out by the money and loud proclamations of our abuser's innocence will finally be heard.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Beautifully written and true in every single sense of what ...
By maggie
I echo Liz Parr's review totally, she said it word for word exactly as I would have written my review. I bought it yesterday at midday and could not put it down till I had finished reading it last night. Beautifully written and true in every single sense of what happened, the trial, the verdict and the sentencing. I always knew the NPA would appeal if the verdict was less then murder, Gerrie Nel has been the voice of the silenced lamb, I have every ounce of faith that the shocking verdict will be overturned - Judge Masipa made a terrible mistake, for whatever reason we will never apprehend. I always knew, from the moment the tragic news broke on the morning of 14 February 2013 that he was guilty.
If you read this review June, the feathers you are finding is no coincidence - that is Reeva talking to you, telling you she is with you.
I beg you, as parents, to know she is with you in spirit, she does not want you to be torn apart - as Mrs Ntlangu said so poignantly "We in the world want the cream. God also wants the cream in Heaven."
My love and thoughts are with you as parents, who showed such dignity and composure during the trial - you won the hearts of the world. And your book is confirmation of the truly wonderful, dignified, classy and sincere people you are. RIP darling Reeva.
Justice WILL prevail.

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
By caroline behrens
I followed every minute of this horrible crime as a spectator. I was affected by this case and
I admire June's composure during the trial. What an example of dignity and courage,
This book gives Reeva a voice.

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Rabu, 20 Agustus 2014

[R708.Ebook] Get Free Ebook Hands-On Mobile App Testing: A Guide for Mobile Testers and Anyone Involved in the Mobile App Business, by Daniel Knott

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Hands-On Mobile App Testing: A Guide for Mobile Testers and Anyone Involved in the Mobile App Business, by Daniel Knott

Hands-On Mobile App Testing: A Guide for Mobile Testers and Anyone Involved in the Mobile App Business, by Daniel Knott

Hands-On Mobile App Testing: A Guide for Mobile Testers and Anyone Involved in the Mobile App Business, by Daniel Knott

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Hands-On Mobile App Testing: A Guide for Mobile Testers and Anyone Involved in the Mobile App Business, by Daniel Knott

The First Complete Guide to Mobile App Testing and Quality Assurance: Start-to-Finish Testing Solutions for Both Android and iOS

Today, mobile apps must meet rigorous standards of reliability, usability, security, and performance. However, many mobile developers have limited testing experience, and mobile platforms raise new challenges even for long-time testers. Now, Hands-On Mobile App Testing provides the solution: an end-to-end blueprint for thoroughly testing any iOS or Android mobile app.

Reflecting his extensive real-life experience, Daniel Knott offers practical guidance on everything from mobile test planning to automation. He provides expert insights on mobile-centric issues, such as testing sensor inputs, battery usage, and hybrid apps, as well as advice on coping with device and platform fragmentation, and more.

If you want top-quality apps as much as your users do, this guide will help you deliver them. You’ll find it invaluable–whether you’re part of a large development team or you are the team.

Learn how to

  • Establish your optimal mobile test and launch strategy
  • Create tests that reflect your customers, data networks, devices, and business models
  • Choose and implement the best Android and iOS testing tools
  • Automate testing while ensuring comprehensive coverage
  • Master both functional and nonfunctional approaches to testing
  • Address mobile’s rapid release cycles
  • Test on emulators, simulators, and actual devices
  • Test native, hybrid, and Web mobile apps
  • Gain value from crowd and cloud testing (and understand their limitations)
  • Test database access and local storage
  • Drive value from testing throughout your app lifecycle
  • Start testing wearables, connected homes/cars, and Internet of Things devices

  • Sales Rank: #923790 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-28
  • Released on: 2015-05-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .70" w x 7.00" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 256 pages

About the Author

Daniel Knott has worked in software development and testing since 2003. After launching his career as a trainee at IBM, he studied computer science at the University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, Germany, where he quickly developed a passion for testing. He has worked at companies in diverse industries, with responsibility for testing Web, desktop, and mobile applications. He has also developed fully automated testing frameworks for Android, iOS, and Web applications. Knott is a well-known mobile expert, a speaker at conferences throughout Europe, and founder/organizer of two local software testing user groups. He blogs on software quality at

Most helpful customer reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
State of the art in mobile testing
By Satyajit Malugu
This book is a must if you are starting out with mobile testing in 2015. Author has done a lot of research for you. Start here and go for the rest.

This book is also recommended for advanced testers to validate and expand your current knowledge. My efforts to find something lacking were vain, he covered every aspect of current mobile testing world including staged Android releases that I learned a week back.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent book about mobile testing
By Olena Brovko
This is excellent book about mobile testing! Daniel like what he do and share his knowledge with German clearness and simplicity. I recommended this book to my colleagues and they are happy with new knowledge :)

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
This book guides you to understand characteristics of mobile testing and to know handy tools
By Sangsoo Nam
"Mobile testing? Well... It's just a smaller device. right?". If you think like this, you probably don't understand a mobile device and a mobile testing. As you know, the mobile industry is really rapidly growing. Lots of companies release their application. If an application has a bad quality including a crash, users might choose alternative application instead of the application.

How to get the high quality? To get that, it is important to understand characteristics of mobile testing. Then, you need to know handy tools to help your process. This book guides you well about those. I was one of them who loves the test automation, but the book reminded me an important point with following sentences.

"Don't try to automate everything. Define test automation goals depending on your app and start automating those goals."

In short, I recommend this book for everyone who involved in the mobile application quality.

See all 6 customer reviews...

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Hands-On Mobile App Testing: A Guide for Mobile Testers and Anyone Involved in the Mobile App Business, by Daniel Knott PDF

Hands-On Mobile App Testing: A Guide for Mobile Testers and Anyone Involved in the Mobile App Business, by Daniel Knott PDF

Hands-On Mobile App Testing: A Guide for Mobile Testers and Anyone Involved in the Mobile App Business, by Daniel Knott PDF
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Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

[B137.Ebook] Download PDF [(This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?: From Eggnog to Beef Jerky, the Surprising Secrets)] [Author: Patrick Di Justo] published on (Fe

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[(This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?: From Eggnog to Beef Jerky, the Surprising Secrets)] [Author: Patrick Di Justo] published on (Fe

  • Sales Rank: #9740818 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-02-03
  • Binding: Paperback

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[(This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?: From Eggnog to Beef Jerky, the Surprising Secrets)] [Author: Patrick Di Justo] published on (Fe PDF
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[(This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?: From Eggnog to Beef Jerky, the Surprising Secrets)] [Author: Patrick Di Justo] published on (Fe PDF

[(This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?: From Eggnog to Beef Jerky, the Surprising Secrets)] [Author: Patrick Di Justo] published on (Fe PDF

[(This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?: From Eggnog to Beef Jerky, the Surprising Secrets)] [Author: Patrick Di Justo] published on (Fe PDF
[(This Is What You Just Put in Your Mouth?: From Eggnog to Beef Jerky, the Surprising Secrets)] [Author: Patrick Di Justo] published on (Fe PDF

Minggu, 10 Agustus 2014

[O772.Ebook] Download Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed

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Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed

Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed

Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed

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Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed

Following on from Introducing Town Planning andImplementing Town Planning, this third volume in the series examines the scope and nature of modern town planning in greater depth. It investigates the theories and preoccupations which inform the current planning agenda, compares this with earlier objectives, and discusses likely future trends.

Written by a team of expert contributors under the general editorship of Clara Greed, the book begins with a review of town planning and then goes on to discuss the major themes in five parts:

  • the economic context of town planning
  • planning for housing
  • planning for sustainability
  • planning for city centres or decentralisation
  • changing agendas and agencies

Within this contextualising framework the contributors investigate many of the current, and often conflicting, urban policy issues challenging the planning profession. Over and above a commitment to traditional, physical land use matters, planning practitioners nowadays must take on board new priorities, deriving from the environmental movement, the European Union, the economic climate, changing local authority structures, and legislative frameworks. The contributors discuss these new agendas, and demonstrate how they link to inner city regeneration, city centre management, sustainability issues, and wider social policy and urban governance questions.

This volume incorporates a more discursive and reflective approach to studying, and thus constitutes a valuable text for final year undergraduate and postgraduate courses in town planning, surveying, building, architecture, and housing, as well as RTPI, RICS, CIOH, CIOB, ASI, ISVA and RIBA courses. It will be of interest to a wider readership studying urban economics, urban sociology, social policy and urban geography, and to young professionals in both the public and private sector of the property world.

  • Sales Rank: #15266013 in Books
  • Published on: 1996-07-19
  • Released on: 1996-07-17
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x .70" w x 6.14" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 308 pages

"... a good account of what planning is about." Town Planning Review

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Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed PDF
Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed EPub
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Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed Kindle

Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed PDF

Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed PDF

Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed PDF
Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives and Agendas (Introduction To Planning Series), by Clara Greed PDF