Ebook Download How to Make Wood Shells With a Scroll Saw Volume 1, by Steve Garrison
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How to Make Wood Shells With a Scroll Saw Volume 1, by Steve Garrison
Ebook Download How to Make Wood Shells With a Scroll Saw Volume 1, by Steve Garrison
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This book gives step-by-step instructions on how to make beautiful wood shells with a scroll saw inspired by nautilus shells and fossil ammonites. The technique is easy to understand and a lot fun. The shells are hollow, and utilize segmented construction to achieve their 3-dimensional shape. The shell pictured on the cover was made from a piece of Southern Yellow Pine 2x4 construction lumber! Very unique.
- Sales Rank: #127882 in eBooks
- Published on: 2013-12-05
- Released on: 2013-12-05
- Format: Kindle eBook
Most helpful customer reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
The Roundup
By Church Clown
Many more details than were in the magazine article. I can now move forward with my project. Nice photos provide a visual perspective. Reasonable price for the information provided.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Very Creative Use of the Scroll Saw
By Dan of the Suburbs
Steve Garrison's work is the most creative I've ever seen on the scroll saw. The book is clear and readable, but the reason I gave it 5 stars is for the creative juices that were stimulated by his wood shells.
The nice thing about scroll sawing is that you don't need a shop full of tools to do this kind of work. All you need is a reasonably good scroll saw, some sanding tools and dust collection capability. Then it's just a matter of practice and imagination. Mr. Garrison clearly has lots of imagination!
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
I wouldn't recommend it for the beginner Scroll Sawyer
By JW34
Very interesting eBook..I wouldn't recommend it for the beginner Scroll Sawyer. Although if you studied the text quite well you shouldn't have to many problems. You don't need an expensive machine. I would recommend this eBook to any one with a little Scroll Saw experience.
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